作词:John Hart Stockton, 1874
作曲:John Hart Stockton, 1869
1.被罪壓傷眾人快來!救主在此等待; 祂要救你,安你心懷,只要你肯信賴! 只要信祂,只要信祂,現在信靠祂! 祂必救你,祂必救你,現在拯救你。
2.耶穌為你被釘十架,捨身作你贖價; 救恩已成,功效無涯,只要你肯信祂!
3.耶穌愛你何等親切,為你流出寶血, 要洗你罪完全清潔,只要信祂堅決!
4.耶穌既顯無窮慈愛,恩門為你大開, 時機一過,不能再來,趁此莫再等待!
5.不久離世要往何方?地獄或是天堂? 永死永生都是久長,速信莫再觀望!
1.Come, every soul by sin oppressed; There’s mercy with the Lord, And He will surely give you rest By trusting in His Word. Only trust Him, only trust Him, on-ly trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now.
2.For Jesus shed His precious blood Rich blessings to bestow; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow.
3.Yes, Jesus is the truth, the way, That leads you into rest; Be lieve in Him without delay And you are fully blessed.
4.Come, then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go To dwell in that celestial land Where joys immortal flow.
5.O Jesus, blessèd Jesus, dear, I’m coming now to Thee; Since Thou hast made the way so clear And full salvation free.