作词:Charles Wesley, 1747
作曲:John Zundel, 1870
1.神聖主愛,超乎萬愛,天上歡樂降人間, 懇求屈尊居我心中,主恩慈廣遍萬方; 耶穌你是慈悲憐憫,恩愛無窮日日新, 求你救恩惠然來臨,進入我等渴慕心。
2.懇求主將慈愛聖靈,吹入每顆煩惱心, 主所應許甜蜜安息,但願人人得繼承; 懇求去掉愛罪心懷,成全我靈始與終, 信的結果美如開端,自由釋放我心衷。
3.全能神阿,求來拯救,容我接受主生命, 我心主殿願主降臨,居我心中永不離; 我願時常頌主事主,猶如天上眾天軍, 祈禱讚揚永無停止,完全愛裡永歡欣。
4.求主完成再造深恩,使我純潔無瑕疵, 使我得見宏大救恩,得以復享主恩慈; 願從光榮再進光榮,直到我們進天國, 到時冠冕敬獻主前,頌讚驚歎主愛中。
1.Love divine, all loves ex celling, Joy of heaven to earth come down, fix in us thy humble dwelling, all thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all com passion, pure, unbounded love thou art; visit us with thy sal vation, enter every trembling heart.
2.Breathe, O breathe thy loving Spirit into every troubled breast; let us all in thee in herit, let us find the promised rest. Take away the love of sinning, Alpha and Omega be; end of faith, as its be ginning, set our hearts at liber ty.
3.Come, Al-might-y, to de--liv-er, Let us all Thy life re--ceive; sud-den-ly re-turn and nev-er, nev-er-more Thy tem-ples leave. Thee we would be al-ways bless-ing, serve Thee as Thy hosts a--bove; pray, and praise Thee with-out ceas-ing, glo-ry in Thy per-fect love.
4.Finish then thy new cre ation, pure and spotless let us be; let us see thy great sal vation perfectly restored in thee: changed from glory into glory, till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns be fore thee, lost in wonder, love, and praise.