赞美诗歌谱:主复活-Christ Arose (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Robert Lowry (1826-1899)

作曲:Robert Lowry (1826-1899)

1.主在墓中安卧,耶稣我救主,等待圣日复活,耶稣我主。 主从坟墓里复活,胜过一切仇敌与罪恶! 主复活是战胜那黑暗死亡,从此直到永远同圣徒作王! 主复活!主复活!哈利路亚!主复活!



1.Low in the grave He lay, Je-sus my Sav-ior, Wait-ing the com-ing day, Je-sus my Lord Up from the grave He a-rose; With a might-y tri-umph o’er His foes; He a-rose a vic-tor from the dark do-main, And He lives for-ev-er, with His saints to reign. He a-rose He a-rose Hal-le-lu-jah Christ a-rose

2.Vain-ly they watch His bed, Je-sus my Sav-ior, Vain-ly they seal the dead, Je-sus my Lord

3.Death can-not keep its prey, Je-sus my Sav-ior; He tore the bars a-way, Je-sus my Lord

主复活! 主复活! 主复活! 主复活!

He a-rose He a-rose He a-rose He a-rose