赞美诗歌谱:主,祢牺牲的爱-Something for Thee (五线谱|简谱|和弦)

作词:Syl­van­us D. Phelps, 1816-1895

作曲:Ro­bert Low­ry, 1826-1899

1.主,祢牺牲的爱,已赐给我。 主,我不愿为己,留下什么。 我在爱中景仰,将我心愿还偿。 今将供物献上,奉献与祢。

2.主,在施恩座前,为我求父。 我的信心软弱,只望耶稣。 助我十架背上,将主妙爱宣扬。 以祷告或歌唱,奉献与祢。

3.赐我忠诚之心,像祢真诚。 时日飞逝而去,见祢自己。 时时凭爱工作,时时作成主工。 能打美好的仗,虔诚奉上。

4.此生所有一切,皆祢所赐。 只要为我恩主,苦乐不辞。 有一日见祢面,因祢救赎了我。 坦然进入永生,虔诚奉上。

1.Sa-vior, Thy dy-ing love Thou gav-est me, Nor should I aught with-hold, Dear Lord, from Thee: In love my soul would bow, My heart ful-fill its vow, Some off'-ring bring Thee now, Some--thing for Thee.

2.At the blest mer-cy seat, Plead--ing for me, My fee-ble faith looks up, Je--sus, to Thee: Help me the cross to bear, Thy wond-rous love de-clare, Some song to raise, or pray'r, Some--thing for Thee.

3.Give me a faith-ful heart, Like--ness to Thee, That each de-par-ting day Hen--ceforth may see Some work of love be-gun, Some deed of kind-ness done, Some wand'-rer sought and won, Some--thing for Thee.

4.All that I am and have, Thy gifts so free, In joy, in grief, thro' life, Dear Lord, for Thee And when Thy face I see, My ran-som'd soul shall be, Thro' all e-ter-ni-ty, Some--thing for Thee.