作词:Elvina M. Hall, 1820-1889
作曲:John T. Grape, 1835-1915
1.我聽救主說道:“你的力量微小 應當儆醒祈禱,因我作你中保.” 主替我捨身,罪債全還清; 無數罪孽污穢心,主洗比雪白淨。
2.我今确实知道,惟主赦罪权能, 可使麻风洁净,融化心中顽石。
3.我無嘉言善行,可藉此得救恩, 唯主所流寶血,能洗一切罪痕。
4.將來身體得贖,榮耀站主面前, 我口仍要頌揚,“主賜救恩完全”。
1.I hear the Sav-ior say, thy strength in-deed is small. Child of weak-ness watch and pray, find in me thy all in all. Je-sus paid it all. All to him I owe. Sin had left a crim-son stain, he washed it white as snow.
2.Lord, now in-deed I find Thy pow'r and Thine a-lone, Can change the lep-er's spots And melt the heart of stone.
3.For noth-ing good have I where-by thy grace to claim. I will wash my gar-ments white in the blood of Cal-v'ry's Lamb.
4.And when be-fore the throne I stand in him com-plete. Je-sus died my soul to save, my lips shall still re-peat.