作曲:John W. Peterson, 1921
1.諸天啊!皆當讚美主;眾天使同心敬拜。 眾口舌當來讚美主!全宇宙同心順服; 主定律必永不廢去,引導我們行正路。
2.讚美主因祂大榮耀;祂應許從不落空。 讚美神因祂立救恩!眾天軍宣揚主能; 天與地一切創造物,稱頌主名到永遠。
3.敬向主獻崇拜、讚美,尊貴、榮耀都歸主。 眾聖徒在天同崇敬,主台前我獻虔誠; 像天使事奉在主前,在地上主旨得成。
1.Praise the Lord ye heav'ns, a-dore Him; Praise Him, an-gels in the height; Praise the Lord for He hath spo-ken Worlds His might-y voice o-beyed; Laws which nev-er can be bro-ken For their guid-ance He hath made.
Sun and moon, re-joice be-fore Him; Praise Him, all ye stars of light.
2.Praise the Lord for He is glo-rious; Nev-er shall His prom-ise fail; Praise the God of our sal-va-tion Hosts on high, His pow'r pro-claim; Heav'n and earth and all cre-a-tion, Laud and mag-ni-fy His name
God hath made His saints vic-to-rious; Sin and death shall not pre-vail.