作词:Thomas Obediah Chisholm, 1897
作曲:William James Kirkpatrick
1.主我愿像祢,荣耀的救主! 这是我盼望,是我祷告; 我甘愿舍弃,世上的财宝, 披戴主基督,守主圣道。 主我愿像祢,主我愿像祢, 荣耀的救主,洁净像祢; 有主的甘甜,有主的丰盛, 愿主的圣形,深印我心。
2.主我愿像祢,能满有怜悯, 温柔和谦卑,慈爱善良; 帮助软弱者,慰痛苦忧伤, 领人归基督,寻找亡羊。
3.主我愿像祢,那样的忍耐, 圣洁的谦卑,於人无伤; 温和的接受,凶恶与苦害, 宁可救别人,自己死亡。
4.主我愿像祢,我今向祢求, 我愿付代价,跟随祢行; 将我的所是,和我的所有, 完全献给祢,不自经营。
5.主我愿像祢,听我的祈求, 倾下祢的爱,充满我心; 使我作圣殿,配给主居住, 使我的生命,与祢相印。
1.O to be like Thee blessèd Redeemer, This is my constant longing and prayer; Gladly I'll forfeit all of earth's treasures, Jesus, Thy per fect likeness to wear. O to be like Thee O to be like Thee, Blessèd Re deemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.
2.O to be like Thee full of compassion, Loving, forgiving, tender and kind, Helping the helpless, cheering the fainting, Seeking the wan dering sinner to find.
3.O to be like Thee lowly in spirit, Holy and harmless, patient and brave; Meekly enduring cruel reproaches, Willing to suf fer others to save.
4.O to be like Thee Lord, I am coming Now to receive anointing divine; All that I am and have I am bringing, Lord, from this mo ment all shall be Thine.
5.O to be like Thee while I am pleading, Pour out Thy Spirit, fill with Thy love; Make me a temple meet for Thy dwelling, Fit me for life and heaven above.